The sun, as we know, is the primary and main source of energy for our planet. It warms the entire Earth, set in motion by the river and tells the wind. Under its rays grow a quadrillion tons of plants that feed, in turn, 10 billion tons of animal and bacterial. Thanks to the Sun at the same 3emle accumulated reserves of hydrocarbons, ie oil, coal, peat, etc. That we are now actively burn. In order for humanity today could meet its energy needs, is required in the year about 10 billion tons of standard fuel.
If the energy supplied to our planet the sun for the year transferred to the same conventional fuel, this figure will be about 100 trillion tons of. This is ten thousand times more than we need. It is believed that the 3emle stocked six trillion tons of hydrocarbons. If so, they contain the energy the sun gives the planet in just three weeks. And its reserves are so large that shone as brightly it can have about 5 billion years. 3emnye green plants and algae utilize approximately 34 % of solar energy. The rest is lost almost nothing by spending to maintain a comfortable microclimate for living in the depths of the ocean and on the surface of the Earth. And if a man could take for its domestic consumption of at least one percent (ie one trillion tons of fuel equivalent of the year), it would have solved many problems for centuries ahead. And theoretically, it is clear exactly how to take this percentage.
It all started with. Albert Einstein. Many will recall that this scientist was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize. But few know that he received it not for the creation of the theory of relativity, and an explanation of the laws of the external photoeffect. Back in 1905 he published a paper in which, based on the hypothesis. bar. , Described exactly how and how much light quanta ... Get an electric current using the photoelectric effect first succeeded the Soviet physicists in the 30s of last century. It happened in Fizikotehnicheskom Institute, who led the famous academician. A. F. Joffe. However, the efficiency of the solar sulfur - Taliev elements barely got to the 1%, that is turned into electricity, only 1 % of the incident on an element of energy, but the groundwork was laid. In 1954, Americans. Pearson. ,. Fuller. and. Chapin. patented the first element with an acceptable (about 6% ) Efficiency. And with 1958 silicon solar cells have become major sources of electricity on the Soviet and American spacecraft.
By the mid- 70s the efficiency of solar cells close to the 10 percent mark, and. nearly two decades, stood on this line. For a spacecraft that was enough, and for the production of land- use is very expensive solar cells 11 kg of silicon required quality while cost up to $ 100 ) compared to the burning of cheap oil looked like an unaffordable luxury. As a consequence, most studies on the development of new technologies in solar energy has been minimized, and the remaining funding is strongly reduced. In the early 90s the current Nobel Prize winner Academician. Zhores Alferov. at a meeting of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR stated that if the development of alternative energy ( solar energy and we have considered one of its species ) would be spent at least 15% of the funds that we have invested in nuclear energy, the nuclear power we would now generally be . Judging by the fact that even those crumbs that stood out ...
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